My Hand Drawing

I just bought a new sketch book and colour pencils, to fill my spare time to practising my drawing skill. It’s been a while I’m not drawing and I’m afraid my skill is going downgrade. Hopefully I can practise more and more to bring a good result to my art.. I decided to draw animal.

Downloaded some cute animals and drew it. The result is not really good.. need a big effort to use colour pencils to colour the sketches. Sometime I feel a little ache/sprain on my wrist. The best thing was when I do it and listen to my ipod, I feel autism, and no one disturb.. I feel calm and inspired. I hope I can do more.. any requests ? 😀




IGUANA (Saya kapok gambar reptile karena sisiknya susah sekali digambar)

My favorite : THE WISE HAWK, how about you ?

Hope you enjoy my art.. Still learning and hopefully get better.

2 responses

  1. bagusss!! selalu kagum sama hasil gambar lo,dee..mau yg kartun ato realis…
    fave gw yg kucing pertama..

    gambar sapi dong…atau babi 😀

    emang dikau berbakattttt !!!!!!!!!! jadi malu deh gw -___-

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